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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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since you try. to turn into words has run out. it is time for the us to cease its persecution. to see if persecution it will help people who. takes the un general assembly by storm demanding justice for himself the wiki leaks staffers and bradley manning what's next for the wiki leaks founder will sit down with the spokes person . for i do like the medium of expression and know those
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anti jew hot ads we told you about earlier this week the ones popping up on new york subways turns out those ads weren't well received by the public will tell you how some new yorkers are trying to cover up what they consider hate speech. and americans are fat that has been made clear by multiple studies that obesity isn't just a health risk it's a threat to national security interests as well all way away and on the issues in just a minute. it's thursday september twenty seventh eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl here watching our team. we begin today with wiki leaks founder co-founder julian a saunter has shaken things up at the united nations general assembly speaking via video link from the ecuadorian embassy in london a cylinder addressed the assembly last night we agreed that we do and so
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determination and not merely american or western values but universal values and we agree with the president when he says that we must speak on the sleep if we are serious about these ideals it is time for president obama to do the right thing and. change not. find the. they covered a lot of ground condemning the treatment of accused whistleblower bradley manning the calling out president obama for cracking down on wiki leaks while handing free speech in the middle east in the arab spring this information has just been released that suggests the u.s. have declared a silent enemy of state has been holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london for a hundred days now as the u.k. terror and to arrest him the moment he sets but outside of the building today the foreign ministers of ecuador and the u.k. met and hopes of finding
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a resolution to the diplomatic standoff for more on these latest developments we like spokesperson kristinn hrafnsson joined us earlier we first talked about the u.s. the clarinets saw and an enemy of the state. well it is very serious that the u.s. military has made this. clear and basically we can leave and to be this comes up in the resignation into a possible corp of service woman in in the u.s. military working in the u.k. . she was. under suspicion of having. been cooperated with we can leaks and it was. communicating with the enemy. of course it has a very serious implication if we can indeed pin categorized the enemy we all know what that means basically i was there i mean does that mean that he's essentially now in the same category as the taliban or a member of al qaeda that would seem to be the implication of that is the how it's
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interpreted by the legal team of your response wow i want to play a clip now julian assad himself addressing the u.n. g.a. last night. the u.s. administration is in trying to erect a national regime of secrecy a national regime of obfuscation the regime way any government employee revealing sensitive information to a media organization can be sentenced to death life imprisonment or it's been hours and journalists from the media organization which is of. all the areas assad has expressed fear that he could face the death penalty if he indeed does get extradited to the united states but at this point the u.s. has not issued any criminal charges so why does a songe fear this worst case scenario. not officially that are indications that are
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sealed and secret indictment might already be in place we're not sure that those would be documents. indicating that. when you look at the the scope of the persecution against the wiki leaks the forty two thousand documents that have been gathered in the attempt to find ways to end julian and possibly all those associated with we can lose if you look at the grand jury the proceedings last year in secrecy in virginia trying to find ways and means to to prosecute julian our sons you see there is a real danger here and we see from evidence that has been leaked. is that there are references when people have been subpoenaed to the grand jury to the espionage act of nineteen seventeen which carries the death penalty so it's a real and serious threat and as you look to our with the way things have played out for accused of a sample are bradley manning as i guess the president of what could happen to have
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if he were extradited to the u.s. we'll look at the military manning is absolutely horrible i mean he was kept support more than eight months under current conditions with who were conditions of torture as categorized by the special report of torture. of the u.n. so of that could be expected if he is extradited to the united states now i do want to take a moment now to listen to some more remarks made by julian assange last night where he refers to president obama and his speech before the u.n. i'm reminded of the phrase the audacity of hope. you can say that the president of the united states is not is was it not audacity for the united states government to take credit for the last two years of progress. was it not dangerous for him to
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say. the united states supported the forces of change in the arab spring to news in history did not begin in the same for two thousand and law goes a.z. did not set himself on fire so. we reelected. all right so we just heard assad pointing to what he sees as president obama being hypocritical when he sees when he advocates free speech in the middle east why does he think the president is using the arab spring for political gain well it is obvious he is trying to use it for political gain because he's a politician in the years i hypocrite because if you look at how the us was supporting the dictators that were overthrown ben ali regime in tunisia and mubarak in egypt they were had full support of the us government up until the last moment when it was obvious that they would be pushed aside by the popular uprising in this region and even try to have and who would succeed mubarak in
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egypt and the. prime candidate was was the one who had been overseeing the torture chambers and the mubarak regime so of course it's hypocrisy to try to claim some credit for and support for the arab awakening and want to get to a meeting an important meeting that took place today between the foreign secretary william hague and has acted orian counterpart was there any progress made in this diplomatic stalemate that has been in sealing for the past one hundred days. according to my information there was nothing definite they came out of this is notion lucian as yet but could dorian's are working very hard and they are coming up with ideas and keeping the dialogue open and the doing a fantastic job so i'm very hopeful that in the end there will be a solution and and julian sands will be allowed say passage of the procedure in london to work with but there hasn't been any measurable progress made in terms of
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reaching a solution not to my knowledge as long as people are talking long as the u.k. government is not threatening to storm the embassy in ecuador as they did in the. few weeks ago that could be called progress ok here we are assigned has been holed up for one hundred days now surely that is taking some kind of a toll on him how would you describe it as sondra right now. were many met him in person in london a few days ago and he's in good spirits and he's holding out very well he's been taking care of them is very busy of course working and keeping a strict schedule but of course it takes its toll to look inside for all this time but he is strong man and in terms of he can hold out for a long time now would you say his remaining hopeful i mean how does he see this playing out what options is he looking at what i think he is hopeful that there
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will be a solution on this. i think as here is hope and that is what. we all share and we hope that justice will prevail and that's what keeps a strong and keeps us going kristen really appreciate you coming on the show that was a wiki leaks spokesperson kristinn hrafnsson. well posters plaster throughout new york city's subway stations are stirring a firestorm of controversy here they are as you can see they read it quote in any war between the civilized man and the savage support the civilized man support israel defeat jihad critics see these ads as muslim and racist and as you can see they've made this known by defacing some of the ads and egyptian american writer mona eltahawy is among those outraged by the posters here she is in a confrontation with another woman as she attempts to spray paint over the ads. would you like to believe. that i'm likely.
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moments later alcohol he was arrested and charged with graffiti and criminal mischief the metropolitan transport authority originally refused to display the posters but a judge ruled that banning them would violate the first amendment to talk more about this i was joined by ayman al sayat co-founder. of resistance. and we've we've been supporting all the efforts of a different organizations and individuals who have been speaking out against the ads we start a page on facebook not in our names not on our trains trying to bring awareness about these races as well as we because many people are called three one one and the m.t.a. to file complaints about these ads that their hate speech shouldn't be you know new york subways ok now these ads were put out by a woman by the name of pamela geller she is the leader of this group of american freedom defense initiative and she is standing behind these ads she says she is
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saying that this is her right to free speech what do you think about that. i think that she's very hypocritical that she's using free speech selectively only one of benefits her she doesn't believe in free speech she doesn't believe in other people's free speech and freedom of religion freedom to worship and their right to practice for example the mosque in downtown manhattan and you try to stop that even though it was constitutional it was legal what about other people's freedom of speech and freedom of religion and right to worship i believe that she's being very selective with that she's hiding behind the issue of freedom of speech just to promote her hate speech i mean it's a do you think that she should not have been allowed to post these ads no i'm not going to say she should have been allowed to post these ads i believe in free speech however we have a right to speak out against these ads and promote that to promote the palestinian struggle which is what we're trying to promote these are trying to say that if you don't support if you don't support israel you're a savage it's labeling everybody who was critical of the occupation of the blockade
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on gaza of white phosphorus of cluster bombs falling on lebanon as a savage just because you disagree with that so she has a right to put them up but we have a right to speak out against it now that is do say stop jihad not stop. so do you think that that there is a difference there. i mean she's she's she's clearly and i mean she's in an ad itself besides jihad it says support if you don't support israel you are a savage so she's trying to call muslim americans are americans palestinians just people who just don't support what's going on as savages so her message isn't strictly stop jihad and that word is it has a lot of different interpretation of different meanings to different people it doesn't automatically mean terrorism violence that she's the what she's portraying it as being a lot of people jihad means we can up in the morning go into work taking care of your family reason your kids working hard to
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a lot of people that's. and she did say that i mean this word is a very loaded word a very controversial word to use the word savage but she says that when she i've seen another interview she said that this word is more referring to those that are religious fundamentalists do you think that are her using it and that context is except of all or do you think that it was just a poor choice of words all together i mean she could be critical of religious fanaticism but seems like she's only targeting one group and it seems to be muslims and muslim americans and. she's trying to say that it's only for religious fanatics then why did you write so if you don't support israel then you're a savage automatically that's that's not narrowing it down that's targeting everybody who has an opinion different than hers and we're trying to say that we wanted to be known as the palestinians who are facing occupation they're the ones who are suffering not israel and not israelis it is the palestinian people who are dealing with it every day struggles the blockade on gaza points restrictions and
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organ organization existence is essential to bring awareness about this occupation we try to bring young people from new york from chicago to go down there before with the young people in refugee camps many people have gone down there and seen it with their own eyes what's happening to the palestinian people so. just need to instigate hatred racism and it's going to cause hate crimes it's a very dangerous as. she may have a right to put it up but it's a very dangerous it's going to promote killings like the what we saw with the sikh community they're not even muslim but people per trade them as muslims and they start shooting these people up it's very unfortunate we have a person like family go hiding behind freedom of speech to promote hate crimes and violence against muslim and sikh americans and people of different backgrounds and this this car these controversial posters prompts question i mean where do you draw the line between free speech and hate speech where do you think this line is. like i said she may have a right to post them but we have a right to speak out against it and to say that it's hate speech and to say why
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it's hate speech you know she's been she's been out there defaming different people she's a defaming when we were just arrested recently for spray painting one and she's been defaming one of our co-founders nancy monsoor of existence is resistance as well she's been calling her a terrorist of violence and she's been calling our organization nihilist the annihilation is you know calling and calling the. muslim brotherhood supporters hamas and all this stuff so she's she's she's she's very good at defaming and generalizing on a whole group of people and making stuff up honestly ok they do want to point out we're looking at images of the egyptian activists and. journalists being arrested by police while she's trying to spray paint over those words what is your reaction to that her getting arrested for trying to cover up these controversial posters i mean you know i mean i salute what she did she has a right to speak out as an individual to do what she did i know she's getting criticism from some people who don't believe that we should that she should have spray painted or defaced but that's her right and i supported to do that and it's
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unfortunate someone like her journalist that she's she's got arrested she's a secular person she's well known she's been accused on pamela blog and twitter that she's a muslim brotherhood that she's hamas that she's islamic extremist terrorism but you know we support. she was released you know we'll try to support her in our court day and it's ironic that here in new york someone like mona gets arrested but then you know this is the united nations you have someone like benjamin netanyahu a war criminal speaking to all these people and nothing happens to him somebody like him should be arrested not somebody like. right here in d.c. these posters that they have not gone up officials have decided that especially in the wake of some recent events throughout the world that right now is not a good time to put a controversial posters like these do you think that was a good decision. like i said i support free speech you know i'm not against a decision that doesn't go up it's not a bad idea either she has a right to put them up but if they don't go up for whatever reasons whether it's
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law whether it's rejected that i'm not against that as well you know we're trying to we're going to do our own counter as that's promoting nonviolence as promoting islam in the positive light as promoting the palestinian struggle so will be rule b. will be resisting with our own you'll see in new york city subways very soon existence is resistance is working on that project and we want to put our own ads and we're going to see if i'm a speech is acceptable when it's from our perspective you know she says it's freedom of speech he supports freedom of speech but when it's when it with there was i believe that it was something anti-semitic there are a lot more people we speaking out against it i want to be hiding behind freedom of speech but because it's against muslims is against palestinians is against arabs it's tolerated it's acceptable and we don't want racism against muslim and arab americans to be normalized except that that's what she's doing with this ok we'll see how much to tolerate free speech when we want when we say free palestine and israeli occupation. for crimes will certainly cover that when and when those posters do go up some say that when you see free speech that it makes you angry or
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that you don't agree with that's controversial it shows that free speech is indeed alive and well maybe this is an example of that but really appreciate you coming on the show that was a co-founder existence as resistance. so i had an r t american soldiers are being weighed down even more these days but not by extra protective gear but extra pounds i had will tell you why military officials are saying obesity is not just a health risk but a national security problem at a minimum.
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the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like. russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us.
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yesterday. and very. simply. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to be breakthrough had already been made can you trust no one. is imbued with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism in school. when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. the obesity epidemic in america is obviously a threat to national health but is it a threat to national security this week a report was released by an advocacy group called mission readiness that suggests
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this is the case the report was titled still too fat to fight and connected the nation's obesity rate with military effect in a saying increased obesity could pose a challenge to national security as fewer and fewer people are eligible to keep up with the physical demands of the service so that suggests that as america's waistlines expands so too will the waistlines of our soldiers you're looking at how the evolution could be playing out with a future soldier far from boasting in a flood of built looks like that transition is happening for those already in the service the department defense apparently spends about one billion dollars on medical care for weight related health problems for more on this catherine mangel ward managing editor for reason going to thoroughly or. you know i'm always a little bit wary when people say that a new policy or a new law is for the children and i think it's doubly true that you should be nervous when somebody says that this is for our national military readiness you
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know kids are fat or fat clear but the idea that taking what our soldiers are supposed to be fatter i will but luckily we don't have a draft we don't all have to serve in the military and. i think that taking junk food out of high schools is not going to be the be all and end all of american military readiness well you just said to kids are fat adults are fat just so matter of fact we i mean do we just accept that fact or i mean maybe it's not a good thing and we should try to change it i mean i don't i don't know who you mean when you say we i think the american people the american people are luckily not a single entity of single mind i mean if individuals want to lose weight if our military only wants to accept people who are thin and great i don't think that means that all of us should be denied twinkies a school lunch would mean you but that doesn't matter what i think all right so the group is now calling on congress to support stricter nutrition standards for school
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lunches could that be the answer i think that's one place where government intervention is completely acceptable lunches are terrible and they're basically mandatory or they're forced it on kids who are have no choice but to be in school and have no choice but to use the lunch for the most part so yeah i think it's great that those standards are improving at the same time i think you know a kid buying m. and m. school after having their government approved school lunches is not really the business of three hundred you know generals and admirals who have gotten together to release this report all right. so now one in four americans young american adults are too overweight though to join the military so we are seeing that this problem is kind of spilling over and the number one reason it's the number one reason preventing adults from young adults that is from analysts saying so we see that there is a connection there. there is but there are actually lots of other reasons people can list including that they have a criminal record
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a lot of those people have criminal records for drug convictions so i think you might equally take this report is evidence that we need to rethink the way we're fighting the war on drugs or we need to rethink our requirement that you have a high school degree to enlist lots of ways we could broaden. the pool without having without the nation's wafl on all right in addition to this report that we had three hundred retired generals and admirals they signed on to indicate that the obesity problem has become a serious issue for national security so we have some pretty high ranking members saying hey listen up. this obesity problem could be affecting our safety our national security. i think a lot of those guys are the same guys who thought that the war in iraq was a super great idea and i think many of them turned out to be wrong about that they might be wrong about this too all right so i mean what solution do you propose that
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. you know i think that this is always has been always should be a matter of individual responsibility if people want to lose weight that's great there are tons of ways for them to do that there's multi multi billion dollar industry devoted to helping them do that i think that school lunch nutrition should be improved and i think education campaigns are a good idea but i think bans on soda sizes bans on drugs would in schools that kind of thing is more of a symbolic act been something that's actually going to help and i think the military readiness thing is is just another rhetorical move on the part of people who want to restrict our choices ok but it is a fact that americans are getting fatter and along with getting fatter comes you know risks of heart disease risk of diabetes risk of all kinds of health problems so we see this trend it's becoming more and more of a problem i will point to you say this national epidemic is a problem and we have to step in we have to do something from letting it to prevent
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it from getting worse. you know i think we genuinely get to the point where we cannot dock our armed forces with men and women who are physically fit. first of all that's the least of our problems as a nation if our health crisis got not far but second not to be overly what about this but isn't this camp before i mean if you take a bunch of eighteen year old men and women and make an effort to get them into good physical condition maybe that's going to cost a little more money but i think the flipside where we're thing we have to revamp everything about american nutrition and take away choices isn't a better option bootcamp. you know not as many potato chips are laying off of cat fat and calories i guess you have to decide which one is less painful we've got a foot of this image there want to bring it up to kind of shows the evolution of the american soldier let's put that out there i think it just really ill and there it is the evolution of the american soldier you know typically they're fed we see
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you know from the revolutionary war to the civil war to world war two to the vietnam war i don't know what time twinkies became available and you know things along that nature that contributed to the expanding waistline but we have that image there i mean could that be our soldier of the future gather at. you know i think actually if you were to look at the underlying physical health of a revolutionary war soldier versus you know our typical soldier today i'm going to guess that guy's actually not in better health and certainly not an expert on this but in fact should be the genetic diseases there are all kinds of things going on back then that we actually have great cures for now and that don't put people any more the fact that we have a little bit higher cholesterol or a little bit more padding around the middle. i think it's easy to overstate the extent to which that actually undermines our national and that is a very very good point just because you're skinnier does not mean you're healthier at all. catherine thank you so much for weighing in on this topic that was i
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catherine mangalore the managing editor for reason. we reported how the former navy seal's book entitled no easy day has angered the pentagon the agency asserts the book contained classified information and the author matt bissonnette breached a non disclosure agreement the bestselling book has proven to be a hedge and now defense employees are officially allowed to read it as long as they read it carefully this is according to the washington post which got a hold of a memo that assures employees they are free to buy and read to buy the book and read it they don't even need to store it in a safe container but under one condition they quote shall not discuss potentially classified and sensitive and classified information who do not have the official need to know and an appropriate security clearance but the pentagon never said which parts of the book were considered classified so employees best keep.


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